How does a turbine generate electricity?

Wind turbines use blades to turn wind energy into electricity. When the wind blows, it creates a lift similar to the effect of airplane wings, which causes the blades to spin. The blades are connected to an electric generator that then produces electricity from the spinning blades. Learn more about how wind turbines work here.

Why do some turbines rotate while others may not?

It is very normal for some turbines to operate while others remain idle. Differences of wind speed, directions, and intensity are common, leading to times where some turbines are active while others are not.

Some turbines may also remain idle due to utility curtailment. A utility may turn off some turbines within a wind farm when energy production from other producers, such as gas or solar, is greater than demand. Turbines are equipped with a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that collects data, records activity, and allows for remote supervision and control of a wind farm.

With this, operators can easily manage power output in real-time and quickly respond to changes in demand. It keeps wind energy efficient and easily scalable.

How does the turbine’s computer and monitoring system work?

The computer system inside the turbine constantly performs self-diagnostic tests and will troubleshoot any errors. If the system is unable to auto correct, it will shut down the turbine automatically and a technician will evaluate the issue.

There is also a system control and data acquisition system which allows a remote operator to set new operating parameters, start and stop the turbine to perform system checks, and ensure that the turbine is operating as efficiently as possible.

How often do turbines get serviced?

Turbines require preventative maintenance once or twice a year. In addition, Vestas’ Oregon headquarters monitors turbine operations across the country 24/7, allowing us to identify and address any issues before they become operational problems.

Steelhead projects will likely be serviced by full-time Vestas service technicians to ensure that the turbines are running at optimal performance. Vestas has over 1,680 techs in North America who are highly experienced in ensuring the smooth operations of our wind projects over their long-term life cycle.

How will the turbines be affected by a sandstorm?

During the development process, Steelhead’s siting team thoroughly analyzes the conditions of an area to make sure each project location’s climate and terrain are taken into consideration when designing the wind farm.

Ultimately, sandstorms will have a minimal impact on the wind turbines. Vestas turbines are engineered to withstand extreme weather conditions. If wind speeds from a sandstorm reach a certain threshold, an automated system will shut off the turbine. Also, turbines are engineered so that small grains of sand won’t affect the most important parts of the machine, such as the electronics.

How are turbines impacted by tornados?

Windturbines are designed to withstand very high wind speeds and extreme weather.In fact, wind projects are often located in tornado prone areas, like CrossCounty, and maintain successful operations. When wind speeds surpassapproximately 50 mph or gusts of 100 mph, the turbine pauses which reduces theload and the likelihood for damage. In the rare event that a tornado causesdamage to a turbine, Vestas can works with the project operator to continuesmooth operations. Vestas is committed to safety and has setbacks in place fromroads, homes, and other infrastructure to ensure the neighboring community is asafe distance from the project.

How will turbines be affected in extreme cold weather?

Almost all Vestas turbines are equipped with cold temperature packages. These allow the turbine to continue operating down to -22 degrees Fahrenheit, while still allowing them to perform at up to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Our cold weather operational plans are holistic and address site accessibility, safety, and grid reliability.

While ice can form on turbines and can become dislodged and thrown, setbacks are put in place from roads, residences, and other structures to ensure the public and landowners are at safe distance from any ice shedding.

Learn more about our anti-icing systems here.

How reliable is wind power?

Wind energy is currently the fourth-largest source of electricity generation capacity in the US, providing enough energy to power 46 million US homes.

While the energy production from wind energy can be affected by environmental, seasonal, and daily cycles, turbines are spread over large areas making their output more constant.

Combining it with other diverse energy sources, such as solar or hydroelectric power, also helps ensure a balanced and reliable energy supply. This diversified approach minimizes the risk of disruptions associated with relying solely on a single energy source.

In general, wind energy contributes to overall energy resilience. By having multiple sources of energy, we can withstand potential disruptions caused by extreme weather events, natural disasters, or equipment failures.

How many gallons of oil are in wind turbine? How often is the oil changed?

On average, there are 105 gallons of gear oil used in a wind turbine. Vestas typically changes the oil of a gearbox when necessary, based on condition. Vestas employs over 1,680 technicians in North America who are highly experienced in ensuring smooth, safe turbine operations throughout a project. When servicing the turbine, our technicians take samples of the oil to determine if an oil exchange is needed.